Page 2 Documents Justice Québec

Mais ou est la justice pas au Canada encore moins au Québec

Pas de justice au Québec dit Estelle Gravelle procureure Général du Québec

Esthel Gavel ma fais des menace tout le long de l’enquête des Orphelins de Duplessis

Prisonnier Politique & Religieux eu meme les complice du Génocide  avec les deux Gouvernements les sœurs de la Charité de la Providence plus les psychiatres du Québec

Matricule 1521 doit rester ne fermer tout sa vie durant mon héritage réservé aux enfants née hors mariage sans la permission des deux diocèses de Montréal et Québec du ceste de la religion Catholique de Romme    


 Page 2 Doccuments Justice Québec – Les Orphelins de Duplessis

3 juin 2010
Le Barreau du Québec rend hommage à une procureure aux
poursuites criminelles et pénales
Chaque année, le Barreau du Québec rend hommage à des membres de la
profession et attribue le Mérite du Barreau. Quatre lauréats ont reçus cet
hommage le 3 juin 2010. Parmi eux, Me
Esthel Gravel, Ad. E., procureure aux
poursuites criminelles au Bureau de service-conseil du Directeur des poursuites
criminelles et pénales.
Esthel Gravel, Ad. E.
« Me
Esthel Gravel, Ad. E., est avocate en droit criminel et pénal depuis plus de 30
ans et occupe actuellement le poste de procureure aux poursuites criminelles au
Bureau de service-conseil du Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales.
Avocate hors pair et profondément motivée par l’enjeu humain, Me
Gravel est
membre des conseils d’administration de plusieurs fondations et organismes voués à
la défense et à la promotion des droits des victimes de crimes, dont le Centre pour
les victimes d’agression sexuelle de Montréal dans lequel elle est impliquée depuis
plus de 20 ans. Tout autant dédiée à la cause de la transmission des connaissances,
Gravel enseigne le droit criminel depuis 1994 aux niveaux collégial et universitaire
ainsi qu’à l’École nationale de police, à l’École des poursuivants et à l’École du
Barreau. Me
Gravel est aussi l’auteure de nombreux ouvrages, précis et guides de
travail dans le domaine du droit criminel et pénal et elle donne régulièrement des
conférences et des formations dans le cadre de congrès ou de colloques. » Source :
Communiqué du Barreau du Québec/28 avril 201

Tous les documents ici nous ont aider a la justice a nous écraser comme des coquerelles.

1 er Cour Supérieure

P- 132 Requête autorisation d’un recours collectif

P- 137 Demande Hervé pour 7 recours collectif

P- 111 Cour Supérieur Rose Lima Ostiguy

P- 143 1993-11-10 Fond’aide recours Collectif

P- 111 Cour Supérieur Rose Lima Ostiguy

P- 53 Dénonciation Greffe de la cour du Québec

P- 210 Recours Emploie


2002-07-15 falsification-de-ordonnance-de-la-cour

P- 113 Cour supérieure Mme Mario Kelly Contre

P- 56 Cours Supérieure autorisation

P- 54 Paquette Huissier Justice Cours Québec


Juripop Travaux légale sur les lois et le décision du Dossier des Orphelins(es) de Duplessis

2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page


Orphelins de Duplessis : un recours collectif contre sept congrégations et deux gouvernements

Publié le jeudi 1 mars 2018 à 17 h 00Mis à jour le 1 mars 2018 à 17 h 32


Insatisfaits de l’entente conclue en 2001 avec le gouvernement du Québec, les orphelins de Duplessis récidivent. Ils viennent de déposer un recours collectif contre le gouvernement fédéral, le gouvernement provincial et sept congrégations religieuses, soit les Sœurs de la providence, les Sœurs de la miséricorde, les Sœurs grises, les Petites Franciscaines de Marie, les Sœurs du bon-pasteur, les Sœurs de Notre-Dame et les Clercs de Saint-Viateur.

Un texte de Catherine Kovacs

Les orphelins de Duplessis réclament 875 000 $ par plaignant, pour les sévices physiques et psychologiques qu’ils ont subis pendant des années. L’avocat Alan Stein les représente. Cet avocat est connu notamment pour avoir gagné sa cause en faveur des victimes du docteur Ewan Cameron à l’Hôpital Royal Victoria.

À la fin des années 1950, le docteur Cameron a fait subir une série d’expériences de lavage de cerveau à des patients montréalais dans le cadre d’études financées par le gouvernement fédéral et la CIA.

Selon l’avis de l’avocat Stein, le cas des orphelins de Duplessis est pire. Il explique qu’on a fait des expériences sur ces enfants : électrochocs, isolement, agressions sexuelles, injection de médicaments très forts. « Ils ont été utilisés comme cobayes », précise-t-il. Il a recueilli des témoignages de plusieurs victimes, puisque dans bien des cas les dossiers médicaux ont disparu ou ont tout simplement été détruits.

Cette partie sombre de l’histoire du Québec s’est déroulée entre 1940 et 1970. Des milliers d’enfants abandonnés se sont ainsi retrouvés dans différents instituts au Québec, comme le Mont-Providence, l’Hôpital Saint-Julien à Saint-Ferdinand d’Halifax, l’Institut Doréa, l’Hôpital Sainte-Anne à Baie-Saint-Paul et l’orphelinat Notre-Dame à Huberdeau. Ces orphelins étaient déclarés malades mentaux, c’était la façon d’obtenir plus d’argent du gouvernement fédéral, soit 2,25 $ par enfant.

Marc Boudreau ne s’en est pas remis. Ballotté d’un institut à l’autre depuis sa naissance, c’est lui qui représente les orphelins de Duplessis dans ce recours collectif. « J’ai été maltraité dans tous les endroits », précise-t-il.

« Ils faisaient des expériences sur nous, on était des innocents envoyés à l’abattoir. » Camisole de force, isoloir, agressions sexuelles, il a même perdu l’usage d’un oeil. Après toutes ces années, Marc Boudreau qui vit de l’aide sociale précise qu’il fait des cauchemars, qu’il a peur et pleure tous les soirs. « Je suis malheureux. »

Rod Vienneau est celui qui a ravivé la flamme il y a 25 ans, lorsqu’il a appris que sa propre femme, Claire Duguay, avait subi le même sort. À la mort de la mère de celle-ci, son père a été obligé de la placer. Elle s’est retrouvée à l’Hôpital de Saint-Ferdinand, classée faussement arriérée mentale profonde. Les autorités de l’hôpital ont même inscrit que toute la famille avait des problèmes de santé mentale. « C’est faux, précise Claire Duguay. Ils ont sali toute ma famille. »

Aujourd’hui, elle est encore terrorisée : « Quand je marche dans la rue, j’ai peur qu’ils viennent me chercher pour me renfermer ».

Jusqu’à présent, le gouvernement fédéral conteste ce recours collectif, ainsi que trois congrégations religieuses, soit les Soeurs grises de Montréal, les Soeurs du bon-pasteur de Québec et les Clercs de Saint-Viateur. Alan Stein espère avoir une réponse de la cour d’ici la fin mars. Mais il ne cache pas qu’il souhaite une entente à l’amiable. Dans les années 1990, il restait 3000 survivants. Aujourd’hui, ils ne seraient plus que 300.

En Anglais la torture et les scandales du Génocide des enfants née hors mariage.

Catholic Church Scandal: Torture orphans by placing in cells for years, straitjacketed, electroshocks, murder | Promote Liberty

The types of crimes committed along with the catholic institutions were they were conducted include:

(1.) Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Psychiatric Hospital
      Run by the Sisters of Providence

… Incinerators (Orphans testified being experimented on by … doctors) All Orphans deaths were investigated by the Hospital Police Only, (no reports, no death certificates, No markers)
Selling of bodies to the Universities.

(2.) Saint Michel Archange Hospital
      Run by the Sisters of Charity of Quebec …
Lobotomies, murder, Torture, Medical experiments done in their Psychiatric Sanatorium Wing,

… children were lobotomized and degraded worst than an animal.

(3.)Saint-Julien Psychiatric Hospital
Run by the Sisters of Charity of Quebec

Saint-Ferdinand d’Halifax Comté Mégantic (Bernierville) Canada

….placed orphans in cells for years, sexual abuse, murder, experimental drugs, straitjacketed,

Torture example: 
Myriam Kelly of Drummondville,(Quebec) at ages of 4,5,6, a Nun plunged a leg of a chair in her rectum, Myriam was beaten with a chain by three Nun’s in a cell, at age of 16, Myriam Kelly was in a cell for a long time, decided that she would let herself die, she stopped eating, a Nun from the Sisters of Charity of Quebec noticed she didn’t touch her porridge, warned her if she didn’t eat when she came back that she would shoved a mouse down her throat, Religious Order came back shortly to find that the porridge was not touched, the Nun called out to some real psychopaths to hold her down and holding her mouth open shoved a mouse down her throat, Myriam Kelly is still alive and told her story.

(4.) Sainte Anne Psychiatric Hospital, Baie Saint Paul
      Run by the Little Franciscans of Mary

….Transported illegally thousands of Canadian/Quebec Duplessis Orphans across the US border to fill their US institutions and use them as Guinea pigs for medical experiments …

(5.) The Verdun Protestant Hospital Montreal
…Dr.Heinz Lehmann came to Canada in 1937 from Germany, bringing with him a powerful drug Chlorpromazine, known in french Quebec as Largactil what they gave to the Duplessis Orphans as early as the mid forties, but Health Canada gave permission to use this powerful drug only in 1957, known in the States as Thorazine, he worked doing experiments on orphans for 26 years with this piece of paper, no check up by the Canadian goverment, nobody even knows if he was a doctor in the first place.

(6.) Royal Victoria Hospital
[Dr.Ewen Cameron, MKULTRA mind control experiments funded by the CIA, Rockerfeller foundation]

Dr. Ewen Cameron did brain experiments, but also on the Duplessis Orphans at the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Psychiatric Hospital where he and Lehmann would go two and three times a week, Cameron being the president of the American Psychiatric Association 

(7.) Saint Charles Psychiatric Hospital, Joliette
Run by the Dominican Sisters
Duplessis Orphans Paul St Aubin and Jean Guy Labrosse testified seeing orphans with enlarged heads,
during the Bédard Commission in 1961, Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital transfered 1,000 Duplessis Orphans to the Annonciation Hospital in the Laurentian Mountains and 600 hundred Duplessis Orphans to Saint Charles Psychiatric Hospital, 1600 hundred sane boys and girls illegally label, deprived of their education.

(8.) L’Annonciation Psychiatric Hospital

Orphans with enlarged heads. Dr.Heinz Lehmann, he who brought Chlorpromazine into Canada in 1937, tested a new powerful drug on the Guinea Pigs the Duplessis Orphans 10 January 1960 at the Annonciation Hospital, the name of the drug Butyrophenones (Hadol)

(9.) Bordeaux Jail in Montreal Province of Quebec 

…1,327 sane orphans illegally held prisoner in the D-Wing, all have disappeared
…(Orphans with enlarged heads seen in 1953) No death certificates, No markers.

(10.) Institute Philippe Pinel of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada

…Hundreds of Duplessis Orphans were sent to this place an all disappeared or murdered

(11.) Institute Albert Prévost Psychiatric Hospital 
Director Dr. Camille Laurin former minister of Health of Quebec
The 1961 Bédard Commission Scandal) A place where Duplessis Orphans were experimented on by new Psychiatrists.

(12.) Dorea Psychiatric Hospital Franklin County, Province of Quebec, Canada

…under ground tunnels and having an electric chair…

(13.) Mont Providence Psychiatric Hospital Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada

Paul Joseph James Martin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joseph James Guillaume Paul Martin,[1][2]PCCCQC (June 23, 1903 – September 14, 1992), often referred to as Paul Martin, Sr, was a noted Canadian politician. He was the father of Paul Martin (Jr.), who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 2003–2006
Paul Joseph James Martin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia CriminalThis character has hurt children born outside marriage in Quebec complicit in corruption with three other accomplices-1 Government of Canada 2-Gouvernemnt Quebec 3-Sisters of Charity of Providence 4-psychiatrists Quebec

Joseph James Guillaume Paul Martin,[1][2]PCCCQC (June 23, 1903 – September 14, 1992), often referred to as Paul Martin, Sr, was a noted Canadian politician. He was the father of Paul Martin (Jr.), who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 2003–2006

Mont Providence was an orphanage, and changed vocation 1954 by Healt Canada overnight from orphanage with a school and books to a Psychiatric Hospital in order to collect federal subsidies from 75 cents per head in an orphanage to 225 in a psychiatric hospital, this is also a place where ex-Minister of Health of Quebec Dr. Denis Lazure was Director, but also a place where orphans were held in cages.

A well respected journalist/reporter Gérard Pelletier wrote for three years in the newspaper LeDevoir on the orphans, had gotten a special permission to visit hospitals an conditions, he wasn’t able to write all the horrors he seen, but he did write that at Mont Providence he saw orphans in cages climbing like monkeys.

Dr. Jean Gaudreau testified publically, that in 1961, his very first day on the job, he had a list of orphans to evaluate, the Superior Nun in charge lead the Doctor to this room where his first orphan to evaluate was, he saw this horrific site, a child less than 5 years old in a straitjacket and chained to the sink pipes.

(14.) Quebec Sanatoriums 

All having Psychiatric Wings doing experiments on the Duplessis orphans, a place where people stayed away in fear of catching tuberculosis, just before dying in 1959, the ex-Premier of Quebec Maurice Duplessis ordered 34 new Sanatoriums be built with no epidemic on the horizon, 19 for women and 15 for men) One can only imagine what went on in the Sanatoriums.

(15.) Hôpital Miséricorde of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada
        Run by the Sisters of Mercy
…159,000 babies were born in that place alone, this Religious Order had Institutions all over the greater Montreal, Canada and the United States, Europe and South America, these Nuns were implicated in a horrific scheme by changing the unwed mothers babies identities, separating the new born baby from the mother, an announcing to the mother unfortunately “your baby died” (just like they did to over 300,000 women in Spain) the babies were sorted, the most cute ones were sold from $3,000 dollars to $10,000 dollars a head mostly sold to New York, on what was called the International Black Market Babies in Montreal.

Rod Vienneau (who began a foundation to help find justice for these orphans) is in contact with four original survivors Blackmarket women who were sold in the fifties. The other class of orphans were falsely labeled mentally retarded and sent to the Psychiatric Hospitals in the whole of Quebec, the Canadian Provinces, and the United States, and a third class of Orphans would become the Farm Labor Orphans to be whipped, tortured, living in unbearable conditions, deprived of their education, loaned out to other farmers for harvest from morning to night.

Paul St Aubin had a grave injury to his spine by a farmer who caught him in the chicken coop drinking the contents of raw eggs in order to survive, having ate left overs in the Pig Pen, having mixed milk with horse feed to survive, after six years on a farm, Paul was sent to the Saint Charles Psychiatric Hospital an other Psychiatric hospital for a period of 18 years for a total of 24 years of solid torture.

(16.) Foyer Sainte Luce of Disraeli of Wolfe

… Eugène Bérubé needed workers, so he asked if he could get some orphans, knowing he would not have to pay them. No problem, the government gave orders to send to Bérubé 42 Duplessis Orphans who were at the Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital. Again, no problem, a bus arrived at Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital, 42 Duplessis orphans were chosen including: Jean Guy Labrosse, Sylvio Albert Day, Fernand Devault. They were threatened that if they didn’t comply with the orders, they would all be sent to the back cells, the back cells of Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital is where you were sent to die. They boarded the bus, it was late fall. Once arrived, they all slept on the floor, the next day Eugène Bérubé ordered the orphans to dig a trench for a cement foundation, the orphans working from morning to night digging in hard ground, freezing, not having warm clothes. Bérubé had guards with whips having prongs with orders to whip any orphan who didn’t work. The place had a 17 foot high fence, the yard 150 by 275 feet, having two bull dogs, this part of the building that the orphans were working on would be cells where they would be locked up, but in the mean time 7 were locked up in a room under the stairs, no windows, no heating.

The orphans witnessed the murder of an old man though windows of a living room, guards had seated an old man in a chair, two guards held the man down, the third guard punched the old man on the temple, the old man died.

When inspectors came to the Foyer, the Director Bérubé threatened the orphans if they talked, they would suffer the same consequences or be put in a cell and never get out. One of the orphans Jean Guy Labrosse went to see Senator Jacques Hébert who wrote a book on everything that Jean Guy Labrosse told him, in one part of Labrosse’s book he speaks of being in the Foyer Sainte Luce, he states being locked in the cell : “We were in the first week of February 1956, winter is very hard for the orphans, nobody from the exterior hears our cries and sufferings that Bérubé is making them endure”.

In 1965 a scandal broke relative to Bérubé who was mixed up in the Darabaner affair. He was tried in Sherbrooke. He was suspected for a long time by the citizens in the mysterious deaths of the elderly. He and his associates were sentenced to three year in the penitentiary for falsifying records, for embezzling funds as well as other infractions of the criminal code. But he was never condemned for crimes done to the orphans, nor those done to the elderly. Even so, Bérubé had his assets seized, including the buildings of the Home. His brother-in-law, a lawyer, was disbarred in Quebec.

50e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme – Société québécoise de droit international  aucun droit sur le Génocide complot des deux Gouvernement du Canada et du Québec